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Our Blog
Pragmatic, practical and useful, Darke & Associates provide leaders at all levels with a fresh perspective on ways to lead better. Browse our blog today!

Critical leadership traits in a rapidly changing world
In a rapidly changing world, effective leadership requires a unique set of skills and traits that can help navigate uncertainty, manage...

Five ways a Leader can develop resilience and adaptability in their teams
Leaders play a vital role in developing resilience and adaptability in their teams. Here are some ways they do so: 1. Communicate clearly...

Facing Conflict In Leadership
Most people will go out of their way to avoid conflict. Great leaders don’t back away from conflict. They will put it to work for the...

Four Ways to Motivate in Critical Times
COVID-19 has negatively impacted businesses all over the world. Sales and revenue are falling short. Your best employee might be...

5 Steps to a Remote Workforce!
No doubt about it the coronavirus has impacted how and where we work. For some areas, like Seattle, it has become a more extreme...

Four Types of Effective Managers Today
I had a discussion with a client recently regarding managing the different generations relative to change. We acknowledged that with the...

5 Steps to Improve Your Selection Process Today!
Create a job description with realistic requirements. Bring the focus of the job onto the person, rather than just the experience. Some...

Four Ways to Increase Your High Potentials
Four Ways to Increase Your High Potentials Think about high potential versus high performer. Take a step back and approach it from the...

6 Major Factors Affecting Organizational Culture
Organizational culture affects each of us every day, yet it is intangible and difficult to define. Understanding this component of a...

Top Office Design Trends for 2018
Office design may seem like a minor factor when it comes to employee satisfaction, but a working environment can have a major effect on...
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