I had a discussion with a client recently regarding managing the different generations relative to change. We acknowledged that with the rapid onslaught of technology we are faced with, individuals are charged with being change agents and the consequences of not keeping up can result in replacement. The question then became “Has the management style within the organization changed and adapted to the workforce?” This is a great question for your leaders.
These are four types of managers that are very effective today.
1. Coaching Managers are participatory managers that understand how to engage and motivate new and existing employees, they have a real passion for it. They will actively develop the people that work for them, through professional growth and responsibility. There is a strong bond that emerges between this type of manager and the team.
2. Visionary Managers see a clear vision and purpose and articulate it to the team. Once the team “buys in” and strategy is set, there is usually a good deal of autonomy for team members. And the self- directed work is what the team values working for this type of manager.
3. Transformational Managers are the innovators and understand how to translate the vision into action for the team. They can challenge and motivate the team by tapping into potential, leading by example and managing individually, pushing people to continually stretch and grow while the manager is at their side.
4. Democratic Managers involve their direct reports heavily in the decision making process because they realize it will make them feel valued, boost the team morale and productivity. It will usually make it easier for everyone to buy into the team vision since they built the plan together. The manager will still have the end decision since it is key to remember that the process can become delayed otherwise. There are managers out there today that are still operating as intimidating, autocratic, withdrawn, dictator- type, micromanagers and let’s face it… they just plain should not be managing people. Tactics like these might produce short term results but will not retain performers today. In fact, they lead to unengaged employees that are seeking the next opportunity. The workforce is expected to flex with change and managers need to change with the workforce.
Patricia Darke, RCC™
Darke & Associates
Patricia Darke, Registered Corporate Coach™ is the owner of Darke & Associates and author of DNA Professional Leadership Development Program™. She is a Certified Partner for PXT Select™, Everything DiSC™, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ and a member of SHRM™ and the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches™. Contact her at pdarke@darkeassociates.com or 612.866.0692 or visit www.darkeassociates.com